A walk in the woods and a friendly face was all it took to get rid of writer’s block. November is the time when budding authors try to write their musings in the space of a month, “NaNoWriMo“. A stressful time to try to get all your words onto the page in the right order, with the correct intonation that could capture a world. Not many people manage to finish, even less make it to print. Out of those that finally emerge into the world, there will be just the selected few that enter our imagination, play with our minds, creep into our deepest emotions, or simply induce an ocean of tears that will never end.
A bit of a quiet month for me at the moment, travel is a bit constrained as we are lacking a car for another month. However, hopefully in a few weeks I will be able to recount tales of the places we have visited here in this new region, where the autumnal leaves are losing their flame-red shine and are floating wistfully down to the golden ground, already preparing for the winter ahead. I will be visiting towns and villages that might inspire tales of romance. Already, one is completed and in the process of being printed, another from the far flung shores of the Mediterreanean will follow.
Lastly, tales of our exploits here in this tiny village on the frontier of the physical and even political divide between Spain, France and Catalonia will soon be revealed. Time working on my new business which will be explained in detail in a later article, added to the novels that are being woven over time, will be gradually added. Until then, I will enjoy gazing across the valley at the patchwork of autumnal colours, chewing my pen as hopefully more words will flood the virgin-white pages. Maybe they too will reach an open mind and lead to a unique thought or an enthralling dream.
MidLife Crisis In France