Start essential boxes that stay open until the final day. They will be left in the ‘essential pile’ area. I usually choose our bedroom or near the kitchen. Go through your calendar to see if you are on schedule and make adjustments if not. Make sure you have enough boxes and packing tape, as the big push is coming up soon.
Q: Have you remembered to…
4 weeks ahead
- check schedules in calendar
- start essential boxes
- check schedule in calendar
- check quantity of boxes
- check packing equipment such as tape and bubble wrap
- organise removal insurance
- check utilities, internet and telly will be disconnected or the subscription stopped at your old home and connected in your new one
- find (if needed) new doctor, dentist, vet
- organise hotels and transport if moving long distance
- update voter registration
- sort out pet ID tags and passports if moving abroad
MidLife Crisis In France