“They always say that time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.”
As the year nears its end, I find myself wondering about the sanity of starting a blog. Hanging out your washing to dry for all to see was not the intention but more an evaluation of whether we could live more sustainably in a society that buffets us consistently with consumerism dilemmas. Should we try…
Prats de Molló
Prats de Molló is a small unique village in the Pyrénées, recently labelled one of the most beautiful villages in France. Having only lived here for a few months, we have already become enchanted with its beautiful landscapes, historic buildings and friendly population. Although small, it has everything you might want on offer. National parks…
Bonne année à tous!
Après quelques années d’accidents, de blessures et de mauvaise santé mentale, j’ai décidé que cette année sera axée sur mon bien-être physique et psychologique. Je laisse derrière moi le temps des régimes stupides et des résolutions folles, pour me concentrer sur des choix de vie plus sains et durables. Cette fois, ce sera une année…