What? “Lacto what?” I hear some of you ask. Others probably will speak their minds right away and say “What the fxxx!” and flick to another article. I don’t blame you. Go right ahead. Perhaps I’ll see you reading the chocolate article, or hanging out later in the shopping aisle smelling the bacon samples! Okay,…
Virgin Vegetarian: Roast Vegetables
Roast vegetables are a godsend. You can add whichever ones you want depending on the season, and they are a great ‘sling it in the oven and wait and see’ meal where the main preparation is simply the peeling and cutting of the vegetables. You can even take the easier option of using frozen vegetables,…
Who am I?
Identity Identity in a midlife crisis is one of the most predominant issues weighing on a person’s mind. If you have been a full or part-time mother for over 18 years, your unique essence can quickly become lost. As your nest empties, you start to look around you and perhaps panic as the life you’ve…