Montauban to Oxford: Buses, Boats, Trains and Shoe Leather
When hubbie said he was going to the UK to see his Mum, I must admit I was slightly in a state of shock. No, not because he was leaving me or that he was going off on his own. But because he has refused to travel on planes ever since I have known him.…
Moving house tips: 12 weeks ahead
Start your de-clutter, organise and clean of your home. If you are in rented accommodation, this might be the time to give in your notice. If you are moving a long way away or even abroad, you may already be having important health check-ups to check teeth, have jabs, appointments with favourite hairdressers and anything…
Moving Home
“If your world doesn’t allow you to dream, move to one where you can.” -Billy Idol 12 weeks Yes, really. Just 12 weeks left and then we leave this little corner of France forever. You should never look back. Always look forward. But it has been the longest I have ever stayed in one place.…